Friday, April 7, 2000


In meeting you
I was richly blessed.
I knew you were separate
From the rest.
I miss your words
Because God has your spirit.
I yearn for your voice
Because I never got to hear it.
You longed for ‘something that reflects
Who you are, and has profound meaning,’
To help your friends and family
Through the process of grieving.
‘I will not allow myself to die,’ you said.
A few months ago, your words I read.
Your compassionate heart and loving soul
Were truly beautiful to behold.
Knowing you has been a pleasure,
For you saw the glory, you felt the treasure.
When I was feeling low
I could always count on you
To make the smile hidden
On my inside show through.
The world was blessed
For fifteen years,
And your passing has led us
To shed many tears.
But on those days
When I want to fall apart,
I remember what you said,
‘Keep me in your heart.’

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