Thursday, September 21, 2000

Through The Fire

It consumes me
A driving desire
To serve You, O God
And walk through the fire.
Put to death
What is not of You
Lord, raise me up
For I will walk through.
Has no place anymore
God, cast it out
As I go through the door.
The pain is intense
My head bows in shame
As flesh is stripped by
What was just a flame.
I want all You have
The hunger is deep
But we’re so far removed
We should kneel and weep.
I love You so much
I want to climb higher
So in order to burn
I will walk through the fire.
Let’s throw of it all
You get what you give
‘Cause it’s impossible
To see You and live.
With eyes heavenward
Don’t abandon the chase
For when the smoke clears
You will see His face.

Thursday, September 14, 2000

Decade and a Half

Behold the child I have here
That everyone saw and heard
How he braved the world
And spoke My name
Though he would not be cured.
I shower him with love now
And keep him close to Me
For Me, he gave up everything,
And I have set him free.
The world’s not fair,
I must admit.
He was dealt quite a blow.
But through the suffering
He endured,
He taught the ones
Who need to know
Of My desire to Father them
And how far My love reaches.
Through My guidance
He has learned
The wisdom that he teaches.
My plan and purpose
For him now
Are too big for you
To comprehend.
But I am taking care of
Your brother, son and friend.
He once was here
And now returned
To live, to love, and laugh
Because he fulfilled his mission
In a decade and a half.